Saturday, October 22, 2011

Reasons to Stop Biting Your Nails

Reasons to Stop Biting Your Nails

Pressure Cooker

A lot of people bite their nails without even realizing what they are doing. They bite their nails when they are anxious tired, nervous, or under a lot of stress. It is a way for them to cope. They bite their names right down to their finger tips, and then most nail biters will start biting the skin around their nails. Nail biting is a terribly disgusting habit, and one which should be broken as soon as possible.

Biting off your nails and the skin around your nails can leave you open to infections. The torn and open skin can collect bacteria. The area may get red and swollen. It will also be very sensitive to the touch, possibly even painful. Once the area is infected, there isn't much you can do except wait.

Another very important reason why you should quit biting your nails is because it is really disgusting. Everything you touch throughout the day is covered in germs. Those germs get on your hands, and they collect under your fingernails. When you bite your finger nails, all the germs from everything you touched goes into your mouth. That means all the germs from every time you went to the bathroom, shook someone's hand, handled money, blew your nose are going into your mouth. Now, you may be thinking; but I wash my hands all the time. Unless you are using a nail brush and scrubbing under your nails every time you wash your hands, you are not getting rid of the germ collection your nails hold.

Finally, you should quit biting your nails because it looks awful. It looks terrible to be standing around with your fingers in your mouth, gnawing away, and it looks horrible having red, swollen little stumps for finger tips. For the sake your health and your overall attractiveness, you need to stop biting your nails.

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